Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence from Addictions

Independence Day
July 4th 2011
As Americans celebrate the 235th year of Independence from England today, we should realize that everyday can be a day of independence from issues that have been holding us back for so long.  For some sufferers, being addicted to smoking or overeating has not only lasted years, but for many it has been a lifetime.

Try to look at smoking as being a slave to the tobacco industry's empire.  Think about it for a moment, hour after hour you return to inhale the substances that are in cigarettes and not so much the tobacco itself. There are over 376 chemicals in a cigarette that are not only toxic to your physical body and mind, but are used in cleaning products and include rat poison too.

Step back and take a look at what the tobacco companies have done to you.  They have purposely addicted you to their product, so that you will keep stoking their money empire. Those that buy their products are responsible for making these companies wealthy, and at what cost to you--health? These companies care nothing about your health, but many individuals are suffering from the long term addiction to cigarettes and feel hopeless with their challenges to free themselves from the addiction.

Begin by honestly reflecting on the wasted money, time and physical illness smoking has caused and you will start to put together a way to end this addiction.  Many of my clients have been successful under hypnosis to stop smoking when they were ready to face the challenge.  One thing is for certain and that is these individuals were ready to quit. Being ready to free yourself from an addiction is the key to overcoming the burden it causes you.  Gain your independence and freedom from addictions, so that  Independence Day can be every day.

Have a great 4th of July, 


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